Saturday, June 07, 2008

Radiodead Bis Repetita

Friday Night (6th June 2008), near Dublin, in Malahide Castle park.
I went to see Radiohead in concert in Dublin, again. The atmosphere was quite different.
Probably due to the tone of the last album, or the fact that i've been travelling the country up and down over the week end.

We had a bit of rain, but a good sign appeared in the form of a double rainbow, just as Radiohead went on stage:

And we were started by a lovely evening on the east coast of Ireland
Songs Played:
01 All I Need (In Rainbows)
02 There There (Hail to the Thief )

03 Lucky (Ok Computer)
04 Bangers & Mash (In Rainbows - bonus)

05 15 Step (In Rainbows)
06 Nude (In Rainbows)

07 Pyramid Song (Amnesiac)
08 Optimistic (Kid A)

09 Arpeggi (In Rainbows)
10 The National Anthem (Kid A)

11 Idioteque (kid A)
12 Reckoner (In Rainbows)

13 House Of Cards (House of cards)
14 Everything In Its Right Place (Kid A)

15 Faust Arp (In Rainbows)
16 Bodysnatchers (In Rainbows)

17 Videotape (In Rainbows)

Encore 1:
18 The Gloaming (hail to the Thief)
19 You and Whose Army ? (Amnesiac)
20 Myxomatosis (Hail to the thief)
21 My Iron Lung (The Bends)
22 How To Disappear Completely (Kid A)
Encore 2:
23 New Song (Thom on piano, ‘Super Collider’)
24 Just (The Bends)
25 Paranoid Android (OK Computer)


Don't know why, but Thome spoke a bit of french ( "un deux trois quatre", "merci beaucoup" ) maybe in prevision of the next concert in Paris, or more simply due to the important numbers of french people present at the concert.

And soon too soon it was finished...

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