Activities: TV-Rugby, Pubs: 2, Unit of Alcohols: 2So that's it "God Save the Queen" has been played in Croke Park, and the world is still turning... After all the talks, sport win, people gather together around a simple game, as
J.Reilly said in the Sunday Independant: "
This was a great occasion and those bigots who tried to drive a political wedge between Irish and English rugby fans got the answer they deserved - complete and utter indifference.".
Actually I would probably be more worried with a soccer game than a rugby game. But all the previous week, all medias have been all over the place, talking about protest, booing, arguing about an Ireland who never forget her history, and an England who never learned, and finally ... and nothing. The only things which remains is a splendid victory by the Irish squad, on a fantastic week-end of Rugby.
So splendid, that Ireland is now dreaming of a rugby world cup. Like France, which is ramping up steadily for the end of year event.
Ireland is changing, and even more change are to come, last week the Dáil discussed about gay marriage in front of a very shocked polish president:
"During a debate at the Forum on Europe in Dublin, Mr Kaczynski said 'homosexual culture' should not be promoted as an alternative.
Meanwhile, the Dáil has been debating a private members' bill which would give full legal recognition to same sex unions.
" (source RTE). The emblematic Gay Byrne called for a legalization on drugs, or at least be looked at. In a country were it's estimated that less than 10% of the drugs coming in are seized.
On the property side, more and more house are seized by banks due to people unable to pay their mortgage, and at the same time, farmer who became wealthy by selling land to property developers, are now investing in farms in Cornwal.
Yes Ireland is changing, let's hope it's for the best.
Satisfaction cover by Cat Power (album: The Covers Record )
Ruby by Cerys Matthews (album: Never Said Goodbye)
A forest by
08001 (album: VORÁGINE published April 2007)