Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts

Sunday, June 06, 2010

A week in TV Cartoon -

Monday: Starting with a French one...

"Les mysterieuse cités d'or" created by Jean Chalopin, a sequel cartoon has been annouced for 2011 along with a feature movie.

Tuesday: Dare Dare... or in english Danger Mouse

Wednesday: Day of the children, and the charismatic captain Harlock

Thursday: CowBoy Bebop

Friday:The enigmatic and weird of Captain Future

Saturday: Because John Goodman is voicing the lion

Sunday: Albert Kwak

Because my high school year having breakfast in front of it, actually great story telling, I was amazed by the themes dealt in this ( rising of fascism in a small country, resistance... )

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ten TV series which influences my childhood

Here the ten TV series who influenced my childhood, for bad or good.

  • Litllest Hobo (French Title "Le Vagabond")

    There was some sadness, about the story of this dog, which kept leaving at the end of each episode... I wonder if he ever found his family, if he ever settle down.
    And a great lesson for life: every stop i make, i'll make a new friend.
  • Punky Brewster
    Another seemingly sad story (a child abandoned by her mother in a mall), but it ends happily. I whish my parent would have let me paint my bedroom like she did, or even let me have the doghouse in my bedroom...
  • Magnum PI
    Aaaah ... magnum... when i was 7, this is the way i imagined my life when i would be older, hawaian shirt, moustache, and sea kayak (not much facination for the car though, i'd prefer the 2 dogs zeus and appollo). Today I am almost there... Not.
  • Mac Gyver
    One of the rare TV series, I watched with my father, the game was to see if MacGyver tricks were plausible, most of them are theorically right, but not really practicable... if you have Discovery Channel, I encourage you to look at the Mythbuster episode dedicated to Angus McGyver.
  • Code Quantum
    One of the 2 TV series, I've seen all the episodes (with McGyver), a total nonsense scientifically speaking (unless soul exist). I love the episodes about Kennedy Assassination or about Al first wife. The final episode was also quite mystical, with a great Bruce McGill (yep the mythical Jack Dalton in MacGyver) as a god-like bartender.
  • Silver Spoon
    Totally the opposite of punky brewster, though his mother does not take much care of him... on the other hand Erin Gray is a dream step-mother
  • Buck Rogers
    It was not so much, the space action (i've seen some episode again recently, and was a bit disapointed by the action in space, BattleStar Galactica was much better for the battles in space, and the look of the spaceship and uniform), but the robot twiki is gas ... bidibidi ...bidi bidi.
    Off course there is Erin Gray (she appeared in 3 series in this list), absolutely beutiful, but in one episode Arnold (Gary Coleman from Diff'rent Strokes - Arnold & Willy) confront twiki.
  • Whiz kids (in French "Les Petits Génies" )
    May be the origin of my fascination for computer, it looks ridiculous to see what they were doing at the time (stopping a plane ..etc), but at the same time it kinda predicted what we are seeing today with the web

  • The A-team
    Guilty pleasure, but how could you resist to that when you were 10 years old... You have a problem, let's weld some metal shield on a car and make it a tank, take your weapon and fire ... amazingly nobody ever gets hurt in the series, nobody die. It was also a yerribly mysogynic show
    10 years later we discovered this parody by Benny Hill:

  • The Fall guy
    Colt ... how many TV series did Lee Majors stars in my youth ? Part-time bounty hunter, part-time stuntman seemed an intersting career perspective at the time

To finish a special mention to Fraggle Rocks, for some reason, i did not watch much of it during my childhood, but even today it's a pleasure to discover a replay on the tv screen:

Entrez dans la danse, les ennuis n'ont pas de chance


On a completely different subject:
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights turn 60, today 10th of december.
Blog Bonne Nouvelle 60 years

Friday, December 05, 2008

[FR] 10 Dessins animés qui m'ont marqué

Les 10 dessins animés qui m'ont le plus marqué dans mon enfance:

  • Rémi sans Famille
    Je reste encore aujourd'hui traumatisé par la série d'épisode ou les animaux meurent un par un.
  • Galaxy Express 999
    De nouveau une série trés sombre, qui débute par l'assassinat de la mère du héros lors d'une partie de chasse, peuplé d'humains en quête d'immotralité et de perfection via la robotisation de leur corps. Réalisée par le même créateur de la série Albator, un autre dessin animé marquant de ma jeunesse, c'est le même univers désespéré. J'ai depuis abandonné l'idée de devenir un pirate, et d'avoir une cicatrice sur la joue ( un peu a la Joffrey d'Angélique )
  • Les Mystèrieuses cités d'or
    Une fantastique série ( depuis des années, ils annoncent une suite, peut-être sur grand écrans ) de Jean Chalopin (créateur de l'Inspecteur Gadget entre autres). J'adore l'ambiguité de certains personnages (en particulier Mendoza_, et je restais faciné par le petit documentaire a la fin de chaque épisode.
  • Les Mondes Engloutis
    Trés trés étrange série, sur un monde au centre de la terre qui a oublié ses origines
  • Dare Dare Motus (Danger Mouse)
    Comment ne pas adorer un série dont le héros est une souris blanche borgne, j'ai récemment redécouvert la série dans sa version anglaise originale, c'est a mourir de rire.
  • Cobra
    Ca y est je me suis fais a l'idée que je n'aurais pas un bras-canon pour Noël.
    De nouveau la série a des cotés assez sombre et adulte, qui sont surprenants pour une série pour enfants.
  • Cat's Eyes
    Avec ses trois filles sublimes ( au niveau filles subblimes cela se rapprochent de Cobra ), je crois que j'étais amoureux de célia.
  • Nils Olgersen et les oies sauvages
    Excellent histoire, même si je ne me souviens plus des détails et de pourquoi Nils se retrouve réduis a cette taille.
  • Candy et Lady Oscar
    Ce qu'on peut appeller "guilty pleasures", je n'ai aucune idée de l'histoire de Candy (si si sérieusement), je me souviens juste que les gens étais trés méchant avec elle (mais alors trés trés méchant, si bien qu'enfait je n'aimais pas regarder ce dessin animé). Lady Oscar m'a aussi marqué, je ne sais pas trop pourquoi, j'ai juste cette image trés forte de longs cheveux blonds flamboyants, sur un uniforme militaire blanc.
  • L'Empire des cinq
    Plus que les robots, je reste marque par les différents sites qu'ils visitents au cours de leur combat, en particulier StoneHenge.

    Je me dois de rajouter quelques séries suplémetaires:
  • Pole Position
    Juste pour les voitures qui sortent d'un camion ( l'un de mes jouets favoris etaient un camion qui permettais justement cela )
  • Sherlock Hound
    L'une des meilleures adaptations de Sherlock Holmes, avec "Private Life of S.H" de Billy Wilder (1970) et les interprétation de Jeremy Brett, même si c'est une adaptation trés trés libre. Réalisé en partie par Hayao Miyazaki, la série a un attrait tout particulier avec la délicieuse Ms Hudson.

Et pour finir la définition du bonheur par maitre Vitalis:

Translate this page in English

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turn-off TV Week

By the way it's "Mental Detox Week" ( formerly turn-off TV week), from 21-27 April.
So it's a good opportunity to reduce your tv consumption (3.5 hours everyday in average in UK.... )

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Magnificent Seven

While waiting for the Sarah Silverman Program to begin, i had the pleasure to watch again The Magnificent Seven, and it's getting better everytime you watch it again and again... and there is such brilliant quotes, here's few:

  • Reminds me of that fella back home who fell off a ten-story building. As he was falling, people on each floor kept hearing him say, "So far, so good. So far, so good." Vin (Steve McQueen)
    The same story is also used in "La Haine" from Matthieu Kassovitz.
  • You don't happen to have an older, grateful sister, do you? Vin (Steve McQueen)
  • Fella I once knew in El Paso, one day he took all his clothes off and jumped in a mess of cactus. I asked him the same question, why? He said it seemed to be a good idea at the time. Vin (Steve McQueen)
  • Once I rob a bank in Texas. Your government get after me with a whole army. Whole army! One little bank. In Texas, only Texans can rob banks. Calvera (Eli Wallach)
  • They are farmers. They talk of nothing but fertilizer and women. I have never shared their enthusiasm for fertilizer. As for women, I became indifferent when I was eighty-two. the old man ( loved the lookk McQueen gives him after hearing that...)
  • Harry, please don't understand me so fast. Chris Adams (Yul Brynner) aka the man with sea urchin in his underarms.

    And after that one hour of absolutely outrageous, dark humour from Sarah Silverman, sleeping with black god, exploring her possible not so plausible lesbian part, on her comedy central show,

    Just one example:
    A couple nights ago, I was licking jelly off my boyfriend's penis. And I thought, "Oh, my God – I'm turning into my mother!"

    Oh by the way just came back from a week of diving in the red sea.. lovely.
  • Monday, October 15, 2007

    Friday, August 31, 2007

    Tracks dispo en streamin [FR]

    L'excellente émission d'Arte Tracks est maintenant visible en streamin a partir sur site de l'émission tous les vendredis.

    On the english side new seasons of weeds, and here it's start with an interesting life lesson:

    Thursday, April 19, 2007

    Work, create, be interested....

    A gardener has decided to retire... at the respectable age of 104... putting his longevity down to having "plenty to do and being interested in it". That's quite a fantastic example to follow.
    Full story at BBC News.

    It seems according to a recent study (BBC News again) Danish people, are the happiest people in Europe because of lower expectation or more realistic expectations. Danes (according to the study ) just take a more realistic view of life, and year after year are just simply happy that things didn't go as badly as they feared.

    Is the secret of an happy life a simpler life (and avoid too high expectations) ?

    That remind me of the truth told by buddhism, life is suffering because of desire (desire of renewed life)...

    Also in the news the administrative court in Nice, has pronounced the expulsion of the homeless which were staying of the beach of the "Promenade".... just a question of prestige, it did not look good for the image of the city.... It's very hypocrite decision when you know that the promenade is full of working girls... but these ones are probably good for tourism.....


    Finally a bit of media:
    Happy Birthday Tracks, and its ten years on the German/French TV Channel.

    And don't forget from April 23 to April 29, it's Turn Off TV week... so TV couch potatoes, switch it off, go out !

    I know it's a bit paradoxical, to celebrate in one hand the 10 years of a TV show ( a brilliant one) and on the other hand to incite people to switch off their TV.

    Friday, March 16, 2007


    So and what about you ? Are you watching it too much ?

    A fun game on the internet : Line Rider.