Showing posts with label lomography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lomography. Show all posts

Saturday, April 06, 2013

An old roll

Today I collected a the photographs developed of a very old roll - based on some of the pictures I am guessing it was 2006 or 2007.
It was a very good surprise to discover the pictures,

First rediscovering myself from 5 or 6 years ago.


   I still remember that road, I took several picture of it with different cameras at the time, i think it was up in the Connemara, not very far from Achill Island.

Follow the road

 Off course there was pictures of the sea....

Or wast it a lake lost in the fog ?

And of sheeps...

    And of me fighting the elements...
Survivor mode

The pictures were all taken by one of these wonderful camera, in that case an Action Sampler.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Seen through a fisheye - East

Got the results of the fisheye photography, during my last visit in Dublin ....
DeeFisheyeCamera 2
A lovely couple

DeeFisheyeCamera 6
Unloading the catch of the day on the pier...
DeeFisheyeCamera 18
Walk on the beach...
DeeFisheyeCamera 4
Trees ...

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Playing with Diana

I have been a long time fan of lomography ( ) so when i stumbled upon a Diana camera ( not the original, but a recent production ) i could not resist...
My latest photographic toy #Diana #pinhole #lomography #analog
Diana by Lomography

I also invested in a couple of roll 120 films and here's below the results:

Night driving in limerick ( 120film color 400 ISO )
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Night drive...

Mirror experimenting
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Mirror .. mirror tell me ....
Somehow I had better luck with the RescaleX ( 90-200 ) films:

In Kilkee, on te slip
The joker on the slip
The pier
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Attack by the waves...
And in Limerick

View from the parking:
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Limerick church

Playing with settings
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Limerick church
  The docker monument:
Docker monument .. unsafe they say
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Docker close up 
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Shannon view
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Thursday, May 31, 2007


Lomography or a way to enjoy photography. here's the rule:
1. Take your LOMO everywhere you go and whenever you go.
2. Use it any time - day or night.
3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but a part of it.
4. Shoot from the hip.
5. Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible.
6. Don't think.
7. Be fast.
8. You don't have to know beforehand what you've captured on film.
9. You don't have to know afterwards, either.
10. Don't worry about the rules.

But after you can also tried to put some lomo effects ( with Gimp ) on your digital pictures:

Here how to do it (with Gimp):
* Open a picture.
* From the menu choose ‘Image: Colors: Brightness-Contrast’ and increase the contrast by 30.
* From the menu choose ‘Image: Colors: Hue-Saturation’ and increase the saturation by 30.
* Choose the ‘Rectangular Selection’ tool.
* Open the ‘Tool Options’ dialog.
* Select ‘Feather’ and change the feather amount to ⅛th of the width of your picture.
* Select your entire picture. Choosing ‘Select: All’ from the menu will not work.
* From the menu choose ‘Select: Invert’.
* Create a new layer in the ‘Layers, Channels & Paths’ dialog.
* Change your primary color to black. Fill the selection on the new, blank layer.
* Change the mode of this layer to ‘Overlay’.
* Duplicate the layer.
* From the menu choose ‘Select: None’.
* Now select your base layer (the one with the picture on it).
* Create a new layer.
* Select the ‘Blend’ tool.
* Change the gradient type to ‘Radial’.
* Change the blend type to ‘FG to transparant’.
* Change your primary color to white.
* With the blend tool selected, click in the middle of the picture, and drag the line out to the farthest edge of your picture (if it’s a portrait, use top or bottom, if landscape, use left or right).
* Change the mode of this layer to ‘Overlay’.
* Change the Opacity of this layer to 80% (or whatever you see fit, you’ll see what I mean).

Filckr vision combines Google Maps and Flickr, and display teh latest upload on the website