Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Playing with Diana

I have been a long time fan of lomography ( http://www.lomography.com/ ) so when i stumbled upon a Diana camera ( not the original, but a recent production ) i could not resist...
My latest photographic toy #Diana #pinhole #lomography #analog
Diana by Lomography

I also invested in a couple of roll 120 films and here's below the results:

Night driving in limerick ( 120film color 400 ISO )
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Night drive...

Mirror experimenting
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Mirror .. mirror tell me ....
Somehow I had better luck with the RescaleX ( 90-200 ) films:

In Kilkee, on te slip
The joker on the slip
The pier
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Attack by the waves...
And in Limerick

View from the parking:
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Limerick church

Playing with settings
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Limerick church
  The docker monument:
Docker monument .. unsafe they say
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Docker close up 
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Shannon view
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