Thursday, June 05, 2008

Brandon Cox

June Bank Holiday Week End in Brandon.... which can be summarized in : boat - pier - pub

The Boat


The Pub:

Brilliant spot, with the pub just on the pier, wonderful sunny weather. Mike ( one of the "boulets" of 2006 posts was there for the week-end, enjoying some diving (Guinness, Spider crabs, lobster all checked ).

No diving for me, due to an hear infection, but hours of driving the boat up and down Brandon point.

Brandon Head

We had the pleasure to see Dolphins visiting us....
I've passed my Cox test Monday, despite poor maneuver in the harbor ( I really need to practice that - a lot - to improve my boat handling ).

Down to Cork on Wednesday ( OysterHaven ) for a rescue diver examination ( passed, but need to practice CPR more)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Regional WE May 2008

I was at the CFT regional week-end (South-West) over the may week-end.
Excellent, we had it all: sun, calm sea, basking sharks...


I've put all my photos of underwater Ireland into one Flickr set.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turn-off TV Week

By the way it's "Mental Detox Week" ( formerly turn-off TV week), from 21-27 April.
So it's a good opportunity to reduce your tv consumption (3.5 hours everyday in average in UK.... )

Eart Day

The New York Times has published a interesting series of article about the "green issues" listing some bold and simple ideas to lean towards a greener better way of living on Earth. It's divided in seven steps: Act, Eat, invent, learn, live, move and build.
There is a couple of ideas I really like: from the simple walk more, the simple turn-off habits, having a compost bin, to the more advanced way of building houses. The comforting part is to see how many ideas are there, and how simple they are, for most of them, nothing more simple than turning off your light/tv/computer at night, or walking to the shop instead of taking the car. The sad part is to see, that even if most of these steps, are effortless and easy, the large majority of the population don't do it. For example, in my house, out of 4 people, 2 systematically drives there car to the shop (2 minutes walk from the house) even for a bottle of milk... It's going to be a long way to change people mind.


Lego Smurf castle ??   Eva.... massive build Swimming in bricks ?