Tuesday, June 20, 2006

There is more than Guinness in Ireland

Holy Guinness
Pic stolen from Mikie....

According to an article in the New-York Times, now in Ireland, you can find not only Guinness:
Journey Ireland New York Times

I've already spoken of the Murphys (Cork stout), Beamish and other irish beers.
I am looking forward to have a taste of these beers made in these micro-brewery (I'll just copy here the information from the New York times until I can give my own view):

  • Biddy Early Brewery, Inagh, County Clare, www.beb.ie.
    Red Biddy ale is made with a locally grown wild herb, bog myrtle, in place of hops.
    Black Biddy stout is made with carrigeen moss, used to fine the beer, a process that causes solids to drop out.
  • Porterhouse Brewing Company, 16-18 Parliament Street, Dublin, www.porterhousebrewco.com.
    The brewery offers the widest selection of beers among Ireland's microbrews. As many as 10 beers are on tap, including seasonal specialties like a rich chocolate stout.
  • Messrs Maguire, 1-2 Burgh Quay, Dublin, 353-1-670-5777. On tap are a plain stout, a fruity ale, wheat beer and a Czech-style pilsner, along with a seasonal rotation.
  • Carlow Brewing Company, the Goods Store, Station Road, Carlow, 353-59-913-4356. Carlow Brewing makes O'Hara's Stout, Curim Gold and Moling's Red.
    Curim is said to be a traditional Celtic-style beer once made in the region, and the red ale is named after the Book of Moling by sixth-century Celtic monks in South Carlow.
  • Franciscan Well Brewery, 14 North Mall, Cork, 353-21-421-0130; www.franciscanwellbrewery.com.
    Franciscan Well serves a range of local favorites (Rebel Red, Shandon Stout, Blarney Blonde, Rebel Lager and Friar Weisse), complemented by seasonal specialties.
  • Kinsale Brewing Company, the Glen, Kinsale, 353-21-470-2124, http://www.kinsalebrewing.com/. With a new brewer on board, Kinsale is trying to bring new beers to taps, but currently serves lager, stout, ale and wheat.

Basking Sharks

For a long time, I mis-translate the french word for these animal: "Requin Pelerin" (litteral translation Pilgrim Shark) ; but it turns out the english name is Basking Shark. And it's possible to see them on the irish coast (especially Dingle).

How, Where and When to Watch Basking Sharks

I want to see a basking shark !!!!! And some seals and a dolphin ( there is one in Dingle)....

Song of the week

My favourite song of the moment is: Justice vs Simian - 'Never Be Alone ' (Virgin) discovered in BBC Annie Mac show.

Until Radiohead launch it's new album... perhaps... I heard their first new song on BBC Radio1... this morning, nice and very experimental... we'll see.... (I'll see them in concert in Dublin at the end of August ... youpi...).. and Tom Yorke is supposed to launch a solo album next month (called The Eraser).

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