Saturday, August 05, 2006

Irish Roads


I've just scan some photos, I've taken some time ago with my old argentic camera, so I can post them on Flickr... And just remember this one... It's in the middle of the Connemara (Ireland), on a lost road....
I had to stop to take the picture.


And this one has been taken on the misty scenic road to Achill Island.

Irish roads are very often narrow (except for the very recent dual carriage way ... but it's rare), and unfortunately not very safe... probably first beacuse of the importatnt increase of the number of vehicules (car and trucks) travelling nowadays on irish roads, and then because of a lack of a decent learning (and testing) system for young drivers, and a slow process of law enforcement...
In his edition of the 4th of August 2006, the Irish Examiner announced that Ireland has been ranked fourth in the most dangerous road in Europe (in term of acidents and fatalities per kilometers... 1. Greece, 2. Portugal, 3. Spain ).
This ranking is quite surprising because the rods in Ireland has been gretaly improved in the last fez years.
The study highlight also that irish are the least agressive motorist in Europe, and french are the most (I won't oppose that).
On the other hand The National Road Authority declared irish roads are safest now than in th 70's, which is true if you divide the number of death by the number of cars.
Just some numbers to finish this post.

Year: 1980 Number of cars: 900000 Road Deaths: 564
Year: 2005 Number of cars: 2100000 Road Deaths: 396
In 2006, so far, 219 had died on irish road from the 1st January up to the 15th of July....

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