Monday, October 09, 2006

Where is the little green man ?

Reading the newspaper
Have you seen, the little green men, musing along the wall of the Limerick Art Gallery ?
Sitting on a wall

Anyway, there is this october, a very funny interactive video exhibition in the Limerick Art Gallery (look in Arts Events in the website of the Limerick City County Council).
It's near People's park i Limerick, and the exhibition is based on camera recording the spectator and projecting it with some delays and others effects... very fun.
It's called "Here There Now Then" by Dennis Connolly and Anne Cleary.

One particulary interesting installation, display the recording of your move in front of the screen delayed and incrustated with past recordings...

Readings: I've just finished "Time out of joint" a novel by Ph.K.Dick, disturbingly very similar to the plot of "The Truman Show" movie. Seem I found the little green men in Limerick (a reader of the book should understand). It's been a long time since last time, I've read any Dick novels, my taste has been revigorated by the viewing of a "Scanner Darkly" brillant adaptation of Dick universe. I was a bit anxious and curious about the permanent photoshop effct on the movie, but it works admirably well.

  • "My major preoccupation is the question, 'What is reality?'" - Philip Kindred Dick

  • Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. - Philip Kindred Dick

  • The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. - Philip Kindred Dick

  • Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. - Philip Kindred Dick

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