Saturday, February 05, 2011

What would you do if your income was guaranteed ?

Day 16 / 365

There is an interesting idea, coming from Germany:

Susanne Wiest petition for unconditionally basic salary ( In Germany any citizen can propose a law if it get 50000 signatures, actually this one got 120000, see the petition in german.

The proposition is, every single citizen would receive Euro 1.500.- per month as a basic right, without any constraint, attachment, commitment or compensation. Additionally people would be free to earn additional money.
This basic income, means, that whatever citizen decides to do ( work, watch tv all day,.. ) he would be secure in term of basic needs.
This independence ultimately would lead to a greater freedom, as you decide what you do, what you want to do and when you want to do it ?

I do have question about the whole feasibility of the thing, but that does lead to the interesting question of the title:
What would you do if you had no pressure to work for an income ?

Here's an excellent article (in french) about this question:.
Et vous, quel travail feriez-vous si votre revenu était assuré ? (Périphéries)

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