Sunday, July 28, 2024

Reviewing an old post

 In an old post from 2008, I was getting excited about the upcoming Pixar movies.... 16 years later, here's an update

2008 - Wall-ee -> Saw it, and it was brilliant, still one of my favorite movies.
2009 - Up -> Saw it, very good.
2010? - Toy Story 3 -> Saw it, probably the weakest of the trilogy,

 Those two actually appear in theater in a different order

2011 - Newt and The Bear and the Bow -> In 2012, Renamed finally Brave, another brilliant entry.
2012 - Cars 2 -> in 2011, Good but not as good as the first one.

It was followed by :

2013 - Monsters University: slightly disappointing

2015 - Inside Out : absolutely brilliant, shoot up to the top of my favorites.

2015 - The Good dinosaur: okay, but first Pixar where I was not fully on boarded.

2016 - Finding Dory: A very strong follow up to "Finding Nemo"

2017 - Cars 3: A much stronger entry than the second one.

2017 - Coco : A very emotional and lovely story.

2018   -  Incredibles 2    An excellend second opus
2019     Toy Story 4    Interesting conclusion, unforsenn
2020     Onward    Cool
2020     Soul     really interesting but did not leave a lasting impression.
2021     Luca     Refreshing and so nostalgic of Italy
2022     Turning Red    brave and terrific
2022     Lightyear     did not see that one.
2023     Elemental     yet to see that one
2024     Inside Out 2     I liked it

Plus a new movie from Bard Bird: 1906.

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Reviewing an old post

 In an old post from 2008, I was getting excited about the upcoming Pixar movies.... 16 years later, here's an update 2008 - Wall-ee -&g...