Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Testing my self

In summary: 16 years old, tempereed with reasonable way of thinking. If I was a beer, I would be a guinness, and if I was a muppet, I would be Scooter, even if I prefer the Fraggle rocks ! By the way Uncle Matt is still travelling.

Your Brain's Pattern

You have a tempered, reasonable way of thinking.
You tend to take every new idea in, and meld it with your world view.
For you, everything is always changing. Each moment is different.
Your thinking process tends to be very natural - with no beginnings or endings.

You Are Scooter

Brainy and knowledgable, you are the perfect sidekick.
You're always willing to lend a helping hand.
In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going.
"15 seconds to showtime!"

You Are 16 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

You Are Guinness

You know beer well, and you'll only drink the best beers in the world.
Watered down beers disgust you, as do the people who drink them.
When you drink, you tend to become a bit of a know it all - especially about subjects you don't know well.
But your friends tolerate your drunken ways, because you introduce them to the best beers around.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

FYI: End of the Limerick Boat Club

Hi, sadly this is the last month for the following venue: Limerick Boat Club.

Quite a sad news for the musical/cultural scene of Limerick, this closure won't improve the diversity of the offer.

This is (was) a great place for gig/concert of small bands, unfortunately their adventure ends at the end of this month, and here the last opportunities to enjoy it, so here the list of the last gig:
10/10/2006 08:00 PM - HOSTILE COMBOVER (US), The Boatclub
10/12/2006 08:00 PM - BALLS OF IRON BON VOYAGE, The Boatclub
10/13/2006 08:00 PM - DEFIANCE, The Boatclub
10/14/2006 08:00 PM - RICHIE McCOY, The Boatclub, - FREE!!
10/16/2006 08:00 PM - CANKICKERS - FREE GIG, The Boatclub
10/18/2006 08:00 PM - STEEPLE REMOVe (France) + ENDFINDEAD, The Boatclub
10/19/2006 08:00 PM - WAITING TO EXPLODE, The Boatclub
10/20/2006 08:00 PM - DEADBOTS, The Boatclub
10/21/2006 08:00 PM - CHEEBAH PRESENTS..., The Boatclub
10/27/2006 08:00 PM - LORDS/UNIT AMA, The Boatclub
10/28/2006 08:00 PM - STAR BELGRADE, The Boatclub
11/02/2006 08:00 PM - CAPTAIN MOONLIGHT, The Boatclub
11/04/2006 08:00 PM - CAP PAS CAP & MIRAKIL WHIP, The Boatclub
11/05/2006 08:00 PM - STANLEY SUPER 800 (woohoo!), The Boatclub
11/09/2006 08:00 PM - BERKELEY, The Boatclub

More Info on:

“Hello. Sorry to bother you but we’ve got important news. The rumours are true. The Boatclub is shutting down. Our loyal gig goers have very little interest in boats, so we’re not getting our license back. Added to that some developer is taking a wrecking ball to the place in the new year to build some swanky new apartments. Asshole. Anyway we’re shutting down in just over a month and we’d really appreciate your support at all the gigs before we go. There’s bills to be paid! All the gigs are on the profile (there’s loads) and if it’s okay I might post some on your page another time (if that’s not okay, just say so!) Thank you for all your support. Please post a comment on our profile if you have a favourite memory and we might put them all together for nostalgia’s sake. Thanks again. The LBC boys."

Where to listen music in Limerick:
Wicked Chicken (website
Dolan's (website
University Concert Hall (website

Radio Shows
Tom Dunnes Pet Sound (Today FM, Mo-Thu 7pm-10pm)
Annie Mac Mash Up ( BBC1, every Friday 10pm-00 )

Monday, October 09, 2006

Where is the little green man ?

Reading the newspaper
Have you seen, the little green men, musing along the wall of the Limerick Art Gallery ?
Sitting on a wall

Anyway, there is this october, a very funny interactive video exhibition in the Limerick Art Gallery (look in Arts Events in the website of the Limerick City County Council).
It's near People's park i Limerick, and the exhibition is based on camera recording the spectator and projecting it with some delays and others effects... very fun.
It's called "Here There Now Then" by Dennis Connolly and Anne Cleary.

One particulary interesting installation, display the recording of your move in front of the screen delayed and incrustated with past recordings...

Readings: I've just finished "Time out of joint" a novel by Ph.K.Dick, disturbingly very similar to the plot of "The Truman Show" movie. Seem I found the little green men in Limerick (a reader of the book should understand). It's been a long time since last time, I've read any Dick novels, my taste has been revigorated by the viewing of a "Scanner Darkly" brillant adaptation of Dick universe. I was a bit anxious and curious about the permanent photoshop effct on the movie, but it works admirably well.

  • "My major preoccupation is the question, 'What is reality?'" - Philip Kindred Dick

  • Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. - Philip Kindred Dick

  • The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. - Philip Kindred Dick

  • Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. - Philip Kindred Dick

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Last Action Hero ?

Scharzie ... saving the world again... Are the USA finally starting to wake up, and realizing the desastrous effect of their energy politics ?

  • Al Gore is travelling the world with his presentation about Global Warming, and a movie "An inconvenient truth" relates it. Former Vice President Al Gore called the 19th Septmber 2006, for a popular movement in the United States to seek an “immediate freeze” inheat-trapping smokestack and tailpipe gases linked by most scientists to global warming.
    See official website of the film.
    Basically the message, is we need to do (stop) something now and massively, because it's just in term of month/week you can count, until we reach a non return point in the quantity of CO2 emmitted in the atmosphere.
  • As written by Daniel AKST in the New York Times (17th September 2006), any drop in the oil prices are not a good news, it's definitely a bad news as it does not force people to change the way they use their car.
    I quote: "[...] You figure cheaper oil would boost economic growth while slashing the income of such lovable oil exporters as Iran? Don’t kid yourself. Anything that reinforces the role of fossil fuels — particularly oil — as the industrial world’s primary energy source is bad, not good. Anything that prolongs the life of the internal combustion engine is a negative, not a positive. Anything that makes it cheaper to pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is cause for mourning rather than celebration.
    What we need is not lower oil prices but higher ones — significantly higher, enough to deter consumption and make us look seriously at alternatives."
  • California is suing 5 major automakers, for their contribution to the Global Warming (announced this 21st September 2006). It's a very capitalistic and american view, suing a company to inforce measures that will benefit the society, I hope it will turn better than the case against the tobacco (It has been revealed that cigarettes makers have increased in the USA, the level of nicotine in their products).
  • And still in the NY Times, THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, realized that as "dumb as it can be", USA would rather power anti-Americans with its energy purchases than promote antipoverty.
  • California which already the state which the most active in term of energy economy [see NYT article], will be the first state to inforce a law which follow Kyoto. Already 42% of the electricity produced by California (via Nuclear and Hydro plants) does not produce greenhouse gases, compared to the 71% of the USA. Unless the rest of the USA, which has seen a more than 50% increase in the annual electricity use by person since the 70s, California, has pretty much the same consumption per inhabitant.
    So Mr Universe/Terminator has signed which imposed a control on carbon dioxide emission... basically the Kyoto protocol, DoubleU has refused to sign...

Sounds good news, I must admit the capitalism has a very flexible approach to problem, by simplifying them, in term of cost (aka money)...
On the other hand, people still drive big SUV and the Top Gear presenter R.Hammond crashed a car at more than 300mph during the recording of the show. And here in Limerick, the city did not take part in the car free day like many european cities.
More worrying these doomsday seeker, holy bible fervent lovers, who judges that polluting is good because it make closer the divine doomsday. I've seen this very frightening documentary by Tony Robinson, (yes Baldrick in Black Adder, but also he presented an interesting documentary about the DaVinci Code). So in the documentary called "Doomsday code", Tony followed the american fundamentalist catholics, and the way they are influencing (Bush administration) politics in the goal to bring nearer the end of the world. For example, they are financing the israel occupation of some Palestinian lands, so all jews can be re-installed in Israel, and this will allow the christ to ressurect.

Here 10 things you can do to improve your impact on global warming [PDF] :
- Replace your light with fluorescent carbon bulb (reduce by 60% the electricity consumed)
- Drive less (walk, use a bicycle instead)
- Recycle more
- Check your tyres (if your tyres are not at the correct pressure, you increase your gasoline consumption).
- Use less hot water
- Avoid products withe lots of packaging (reduce garbage). And consume more bio products.
- Adjust your thermostat in winter and summer.
- Plant a Tree
- Turn off electrical/electronic devices when not in used.


In the meantime, the list of movies I won't able to see in Limerick is becoming bigger and bigger:
- Volver (Pedro Almodovar)
- Inland Empire (D.Lynch)
- Marie Antoinette (Sofia Coppola)
- Avida (B.Delepine/Gustave DeKervern)
- Nausicae (H.Miyazaki, Ghibli studios) [Fan Website:]
- An unconenient truth

But Good surprise, "Scanner Darkly" [French critic] will be displayed at the Omniplex thursday 28th September 2006. And I've just seen "Clerks 2" [official website ] almost 10 years after I've seen the brilliant first movie by Kevin Smith, in the amphitheater of the University of Lettres of Clermont-Ferrand. Nice movie, loads of laugh, with less discussion about Star Wars ( the only trilogy) and a bit more about the sexuality of the hobbits...

Sunday, September 17, 2006


I've just uploaded some old photos to Flickr, it's been a long time since I've done some serious hill walking like when these photos has been taken (2004, Vercors, France)

And even in France you can be lost in fog:
LOST ????

I remember also, the grenoble nights....


What about a Rhum, in the Barberousse (3 rue Bayard) ? A pint of guiness in the O'Callaghan ? Or a bit of latin dance in the Loco Mosquito. ? Or just a simple picon in some traditional atmosphere like de St Christophe.

And finally, congratulations to Laure for her big news.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Back to...

Parents gone, I am back to my old routine...including pub ... does not really mean I've stopped going during their stay, as it's a bit of a nonsense to visit Ireland without spending some time to the pub... (should I've said in the pub ?... only French can understand that question if they think haircut ...).

And it's also back to school, not that I am concerned, except for the heavy traffic in Limerick.

Few notes, after reading a dutch story in the New York Times [In the Netherlands, Life Runs on 2 Wheels (Sometimes 3)], I've been more and more interested in the past week into: Recumbent bicycle (horizontal bicycle), and Velomobile.
And very interesting story, about how in 1934, the UCI ruled that these kind of vehicule were not bicycle and therefore forbidden in any cycle competition.
The amazing fact is the world speed record is: 130.36 km/h , set by Sam Whittingham of Canada on a recumbent bicycle (in 2006, officialised by International Human Powered Vehicle Association ) , and the hour record (same guy) with this bike is: 85.4 km.
In order to compare, the records recognized by UCI (upright bicycle) are: speed = 82.53 km/h (1986), and hour record = 49.700 km.
It's more likely, that without this decision of the UCI, the recumbent bicycle would have been widespread... and you can even seen them on water.

I especially like the trikes by Greenspeed. And I should really start using my bike again for my journeys to work.

Others news, Limerick has a new low has shown in the RTE program PRIME TIME [you can watch the program on the web].
I've read what happen in a article called Petrol Bomb Outrage, the Limerick Post : 2 children (4 and 6) have been severly burned during the arson attack of youngs against Garda police car in the Moyross area... Very sad and frigthening story.
An horrific recent petrol bombing of a car with two young children inside, violence flared on the 8th & 9th of September when Gardai were ambushed by a group of at least 30 youths in the Delmege Park/Pineview gardens area. Petrol bombs had been prepared in advance of the Gardai arriving and 2 squad cars were damaged.


If after watching Prime Time, you still want to come live in Ireland, here two very useful sites:
And fortunatley there is also nice pubs in Limerick.
And in the rest of the world:
  • Sarko has a new friend W (NYTimes, Blog Big Picture [Fr])
  • Jospin reviens (Arte Radio [Fr])
  • the number of muslims immigrating in the USA is rising (NY Times), after 9/11, I quote the article: "In 2005, more people from Muslim countries became legal permanent United States residents — nearly 96,000 — than in any year in the previous two decades."
  • the website FaceBook touch the limit of the personal data sharing and blogging (NYTimes article, BBC article). The latest functionality of this personal webpage website, (you can read the apologizes of FaceBook on his blog), was feeding and redistributing to your contact community any change on webpage/blog/list of friend ... etc ... resulting in user complaint about respect of privacy.
  • Some sympathetic feminist blogs: Bad Feminist, Pseudo-Adrienne, F-Words....
  • And in the Irish news, a survey found that 1 in 8 women mistakenly believe it's not possible to get pregnant the first time they have sex. The TNS MRBI survey also found that 6%of women wrongly assume the pill offers some protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Monday, September 11, 2006


  • The US commission on the reason of the IRAQ war has published the phase 2 of it's report.

From page 52:
Conclusion1: Postwar finding do not support the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) judgement that Iraq was reconstituing its nuclear weapons program.

Idem for the Bilogical Weapons, and chemical weapons (no evidence). And I let you read about the relationship between Iraq and terrorist...
Remind some movie by Mikael Moore.... Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

  • In France, people start racing for the next presidential election. Same in Ireland and GB.
    Everything in order.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Aran Island [2]


Sunset on Lahinch Beach (Co Clare)



Finish the day in a pub... (Lahinch Co Clare)

Saturday Aran Island biking all day

Finding some treasure...

And finally seeing some Galway's Hooker ... racing

I think my parents have been happy with this trip to Inis Mor...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

France 3 - Italy 1

Good start fro France in their qualification for the Euro 2008, not only they won, but with style !

Random surfing, causing random babbling....
  • [FR] Anyway, interesting post yesterday in Transnets, about the fact that comanies uctually use the creativity, the brain of internet users to create contents, to sort data (yourtube, tags on flickr). There is a real work done, manual indexation, real creation (lego movie) by all internet user.
    And all this work, is it an intellectul property ? How is it protected, used ?

    The writer has an interesting blog: , promoting some Netiquette on the web.
  • [FR] Arte Radio, at a time where everybody's going back to school, offers a great insight on all the hesitation, question a teenager faces when it comes to orientation, choose a path in school.
  • Gordon Ramsay [TV: Hell's Kitchen, Ramsay's kitchen Nightmare, the F World], in the New York Times, [article] talks about his experience in France and it's dream of coming back there to install a restaurant. I had to say I quite agree about the french arrogance, I would love to see that restaurant. Here's the quote:
    “I’d love to go back to Paris, to be honest,” he said. “You know how arrogant the French are — extraordinary. They make us all look so normal. I got such abuse there, I was like a tortured child. So the idea is to go back to Paris, staff the restaurant all with English and call it Roast Beef!”
  • As published in Nature, the plancton in the seas does not seem to absorb as much CO2 as initially thought [article ; pdf ]... bad for our future, you can also learn what some scientist wants to fertilize the plancton, increase its growth so it can absorb all the CO2 created by human activities. Unfortunately at the same time, it seems that the global warning, is favorising the natural release of the CO2 trapped in european grounds [peat].
  • According to an european study, Ireland is the country were adult are drunk more often (drinking more than 5 pint in one night more than once a month), and the young are not better 32% of the teenager get drunk more than three times a month (33% for the boys and 31% for the girls). Ireland is the third in Europe, by Alcohol consumption (15 pure alcohol consumed per adult each year in average). No wonder, why unlike the rest of Europe were alcohol consumption decline, here it has progressed by 25% between 1995 and 2005.

  • Last monday, my parents, came for the first time in Ireland, landing in Dublin, they arrived in Bunratty tuesday.

Then we headed to their accomodation in Lahinch (Co Clare), with its wonderful beach.

There is nothing like finishing, the day in the Lahinch beach under the falling sun, (may be adding a guinness).

  • Quotation of the day:
"Reality is what remains, when you stop believing in it."
Philip. Kindred. Dick

Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocodile Hunter

Crocodile Hunter (Steve Irwin) is dead as announced by the BBC, killed by one of the least dangerous creature he used to deal with...badly tasted fun. As a result, the article about Stingray in wikipedia, has received numerous edits upon the death, leading the edition of page to be disabled (due to vandalism).

If you look the discussion pages, you'll see the bad (subjectivity, ego... ) and the good (reactivity) of the wiki concept.

He'll be sadly and badly missed, as he was great to present and teach worldwide how to respect and protect wildlife.

Is it possible for a community, to create a content, meaningful and objective as a whole group, it's also the question asked by Pisani on his blog [French], he talks about a tentative of journalistic collective writting.

In the meantime, you can always try to build a Potato Gun as described in this article in the Whasington Post.
Here the principle of the gun on the How Stuff Work website: Spud gun Technology.
Interesting, I've seen that used in MythBusters (brilliant tv show on discovery channel), and also for some battle in ScrapHeap Challenge.

And so simple, you just need a PVC tube, some fuel ( any exploding gas ).... and a potato...
Science can be so fun :-P

And while american rednecks play with their potato gun, French policeman are being equiped with Taser, according to the french newspaper Le Monde, in an article called "the gun which electrify the police" ( i love tthe wordplay on the title), the taser gun has been successfully used on an old French legionnary threatening to use a gun, one mad man on the rooth of a railway station and a 13 year girl trying to kill herself with a kitchen knife ( all in France, near Lyon). For your information, in the USA, the taser gun is suspected to have already killed more than 150 people (152 to this date since 2001, according to Amnesty International).

For the news in Ireland... Cork did not manage to conquer their third All hurling Crown in a row, has they have been stopped by a fantastic Kilkenny. And I am still wondering after seeing the movie "Les Poupees Russes", how many dolls I'll have to open ......

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cinematografic desert

Activites:Pub, Whitewater kayak

Back to work, after this nice break in Dublin, hopefully tuesday , we went on the river Shannon to do some whitewater kayaking.


A nice evening on the river Shannon

Two interesting movies are now in display in Ireland:
  • Volver by Pedro Almodovar

  • Scanner Darkly adapted from a Philip K.Dick novel

Unfortunately for me, this is only actually shown in Dublin... and not here in Limerick... I live in cinematografic desert... (if you except all american marketing super-production)... I want Kitano, S.Coppolla......

Radiohead Live
You can find some mp3 of Radiohead Live performance (and others) on this site:

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Rocky Road to Dublin (2)

I've just finished uploading the pics from my mobile phone, of the Marley Park gig, so it's time to post a bit more about this fantastic Radiohead concert.
Ok first, I am useless, I did not bring my camera for some stupid reason.

Absolutely gorgeous day in Dublin, look at this blue sky. Perfect day to lay on a grass in a park... but soon enough a massive crowd is going to invade the ground.

I arrive with 2 french lads (Guyguy et manu) at Marlay Park with the first bus around 5pm... so we could enjoy the 3 group. The first group was BeerHoof ( I am not sure of teh syntx ) interestting and strange, something i would call in french: "déjanté"

Then Beck came, with a great scenery, all what happened on the scene was duplicated with Marionette... the puppetmasters were fantasctic reproducing the perfomance of the band on stage... and so fun...

It took them a long time to install the set for Radiohead but then they come... and the magic begun...

I am so sorry, I had'nt my camera. The concert was fantastic !!!...
Thought I spent some time, wondering, about my morning vision... In fact in the morning, I was in Temple Bar Square, and I cross somebody who looked exactly like Thom Yorke, even though I thought at the moment he was really small... so I spend a long moment trying to estimate the height of TY, and if I had seen him earlier dring the day.

Radiohead fan website: I encourage to take a look at the links page on the radiohead website.

Edit to add the set of the concert:
the national anthem
my iron lung
morning bell
there there
the gloaming
paranoid android
all i need
pyramid song
climbing up the walls
how to dissapear completely

like spinning plates
bangers n' mash
karma police
everything in it's right place (no intro)


Other website of interests

The Rocky Road to Dublin

Activities: Radiohead concert, Pub, Dublin, Temple Bar....


Yeaaaahhh just came back from Dublin, where I've attended the Radiohead Concert in Marlay Park...
That was fantastic ! Beck was there just before, and the performance was great too ( specially the puppets ;-P )

So two days in Dublin, most of the time in Temple Bar Square:





Wandering about the statues in the street of Dublin....


Watching the lovely women in Dublin:


Trinity College, (thought I did not manage to see teh Book of Kells yet):


In Dublin Castle, I've found some sculpture done with compressed sand:


I've spend a lot of time wandering about the Spire in O'Connell Street.... build to replace Nelson Pillar ( oh a famous english warrior on O'Connel street shock ) in 1999... but only achieved in 2003 [The Spire]!

Especially questionning the way it had been erected:


Some random pics:
Dublin busy place, full of tourist


And Dubliners... or leprechaun ??



Lego Smurf castle ??   Eva.... massive build Swimming in bricks ?