Friday, December 05, 2008

[FR] 10 Dessins animés qui m'ont marqué

Les 10 dessins animés qui m'ont le plus marqué dans mon enfance:

  • Rémi sans Famille
    Je reste encore aujourd'hui traumatisé par la série d'épisode ou les animaux meurent un par un.
  • Galaxy Express 999
    De nouveau une série trés sombre, qui débute par l'assassinat de la mère du héros lors d'une partie de chasse, peuplé d'humains en quête d'immotralité et de perfection via la robotisation de leur corps. Réalisée par le même créateur de la série Albator, un autre dessin animé marquant de ma jeunesse, c'est le même univers désespéré. J'ai depuis abandonné l'idée de devenir un pirate, et d'avoir une cicatrice sur la joue ( un peu a la Joffrey d'Angélique )
  • Les Mystèrieuses cités d'or
    Une fantastique série ( depuis des années, ils annoncent une suite, peut-être sur grand écrans ) de Jean Chalopin (créateur de l'Inspecteur Gadget entre autres). J'adore l'ambiguité de certains personnages (en particulier Mendoza_, et je restais faciné par le petit documentaire a la fin de chaque épisode.
  • Les Mondes Engloutis
    Trés trés étrange série, sur un monde au centre de la terre qui a oublié ses origines
  • Dare Dare Motus (Danger Mouse)
    Comment ne pas adorer un série dont le héros est une souris blanche borgne, j'ai récemment redécouvert la série dans sa version anglaise originale, c'est a mourir de rire.
  • Cobra
    Ca y est je me suis fais a l'idée que je n'aurais pas un bras-canon pour Noël.
    De nouveau la série a des cotés assez sombre et adulte, qui sont surprenants pour une série pour enfants.
  • Cat's Eyes
    Avec ses trois filles sublimes ( au niveau filles subblimes cela se rapprochent de Cobra ), je crois que j'étais amoureux de célia.
  • Nils Olgersen et les oies sauvages
    Excellent histoire, même si je ne me souviens plus des détails et de pourquoi Nils se retrouve réduis a cette taille.
  • Candy et Lady Oscar
    Ce qu'on peut appeller "guilty pleasures", je n'ai aucune idée de l'histoire de Candy (si si sérieusement), je me souviens juste que les gens étais trés méchant avec elle (mais alors trés trés méchant, si bien qu'enfait je n'aimais pas regarder ce dessin animé). Lady Oscar m'a aussi marqué, je ne sais pas trop pourquoi, j'ai juste cette image trés forte de longs cheveux blonds flamboyants, sur un uniforme militaire blanc.
  • L'Empire des cinq
    Plus que les robots, je reste marque par les différents sites qu'ils visitents au cours de leur combat, en particulier StoneHenge.

    Je me dois de rajouter quelques séries suplémetaires:
  • Pole Position
    Juste pour les voitures qui sortent d'un camion ( l'un de mes jouets favoris etaient un camion qui permettais justement cela )
  • Sherlock Hound
    L'une des meilleures adaptations de Sherlock Holmes, avec "Private Life of S.H" de Billy Wilder (1970) et les interprétation de Jeremy Brett, même si c'est une adaptation trés trés libre. Réalisé en partie par Hayao Miyazaki, la série a un attrait tout particulier avec la délicieuse Ms Hudson.

Et pour finir la définition du bonheur par maitre Vitalis:

Translate this page in English

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Reeling the years (08)

I am stealing an idea from some French blogs (Fabienne and Olivier who started the thing ).

The idea is very simple and based on a simple question: Where was i 5 years ago, 10, 15 ...etc ?
So let's go back in time by 5 years leap...

I am 2 years old, living with my parents and my grandad in a small village in Auvergne, France near the river Allier.
According to the pictures taken by my dad, i've got a brilliant future in construction or maybe woodworking.
May be i should have gone this road... because the shed we were building is still there.

Still living in Auvergne, we move to a different house in the same village ( i've calculated that my father moved at least 6 times in his life without actually leaving the village ).

The familly got bigger, with th addition of my brother.
I am also starting going to school in Hauterive.
This is also the year, my first computer began to be sold: Alice (8kb RAM, no hard drive...), first contact with informatic which would become predominant in my professional career and also the comic artist called Moebius which made the packaging illustration.

Moving to junior School, in St Yorrre "ca va fort", and also moved to the best computer in the world the Amstrad CPC 464. Yeah I know, from now on I am and will be a geek.

High school, I am in scientific section (is it a surprise ?) and have strangely terribly low notes in my favourite subject: physic. May be i was distracted by girls...

I am in Clermont Ferrand, still in Auvergne, student in Blaise Pascal University.
And guess what, I am studiying physics.
I've started taking interest interest in photography with an old argentic canon (an old T60).
This is also there, I felt deeply in love with cinema, mainly because of the International Short Film Festival.

I've moved to Grenoble at the end of my master to (finally) start working in a small company but on the winter of that year, I was actually on a mission in Milano Italy.
My first real taste of expatriation, I did not stay long enough to be able to speak Italian fluently but it was 4 great months, with some disturbing discovery. I actually discovered that italian girls have the same taste for decorating their bedroom as my 12 year old cousin (except one room was red and black while the other was white and blue ).


I am in Ireland, on the west coast, since 2005.
Enjoying a lot of scubadiving and a bit of guiness.

Friday, November 28, 2008

[FR] Nos Enfants...

un documentaire francais sur la nourriture, les dangers de l'agriculture industrielle reposant sur les produits chimiques.

Le website du film:

A ecouter en particulier, le podacst de Serge Orru a l'univeriste de la terre 2008:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Neil Delamere

Last saturday, I was in Glór (Ennis, Co Clare) for Neil Delamere performance. It was excellent, as i almost piss on myself, learn a new word (Ghee, butter in all Indian food restaurant), and finally become highly suspicious towards AnPost.

Neil Delamere is an Irish comedian, one of the regular panelist of the RTE show : The Panel.
I've put some videos of the show previously here.

So here's another one:

Thursday, November 20, 2008


On devient adulte lorsqu'on a accepté ces 5 i
Irreversibilité du passé
Imprévisibilité du futur
Imperfection du présent
Irrémédiabilité de la mort
Insensé du tout.

Carlo Moïso

Which you can translate by:
"You're becoming an adult when you accept thes 5 I:past is Irreversible future is Imprevisible present is Imperfet death is irremediable everything is Irrational ( the word insensé has actually a more powerful meaning)."

I was listening to the brilliant BBC program: Thinking Allowed (available in podcast), and they were talking about Male immaturity. Basically men today are no longer the manly men of the past, gone are the manly figures of John Wayne and Gary Grant from the movies, replaced by some eternal teenagers. TV, and movies seems to be all about teenage year not anymore about growned up. Men seeking eternal youthness, and playing video-games. An interesting thought by the guest, was that games enable men to play with power until the day the have real power... which does not seem to be the case.

The guest of the show was Gary Cross author of "Men to Boys: The Making of Modern Immaturity".

Reflecting on this, may be I should stop recreating Pirates battle with my playmobil:
Or try to make Godzilla vs Goldorak with my lego sets:

Thanks to "Ma Vie sans Moi" a French blog for the opening quotation.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stand Up and Fight

In a replay of the famous 1978 victory over the All-Blacks (12-0), last night Munster played New Zealand in the newly renovated stadium... and what a game....

The 1978 victory is the beginning of the Munster legend, as Munster is the only irish side to have ever beaten the All-Blacks, the game also inspired a play : Alone it stands.

And the game last night was fabulous, even with a second string team ( most of Munster player were taken by international duty, O'Gara, O'Connell, Flannerys... were playing for Ireland last Saturday), Munster put all his heart into the game, pushed by its fantastic public. One of the best game of rugby I've ever seen.

So the song of the week is....


Thanks a lot! I'm sure glad to be,
To be where I c'n see
So many friends o' mine.
How've I been doin'? How've I been doin'?
If you really wanta know de truth,
I'm doin' fine!
Seventeen decisions in a row,
An' only five on points; de res' was all K.O.
Jackson an' Johnson, Murphy an' Bronson,
One by one dey come,
An' one by one to dreamland dey go.
How's it done? You ask me, how's it done?
I got a trainer man who taught me all I know.
Sure feels good to have him in my corner,
Hear his voice a-whisp'rin' low:
"Big boy, remember, you mus' remember...

Stan' up an' fight until you hear de bell,
Stan' toe to toe, trade blow fer blow,
Keep punchin' till you make yer punches tell,
Show dat crowd watcher know!
Until you hear dat bell, dat final bell,
Stan' up an' fight like hell!"

When you fight out in de open air,
In a patch o' light de ring looks small an' white.
Out in de blackness, out in de blackness,
You c'n feel a hun'erd thousan' eyes
Fillin' de night.
Cigarettes are blinkin' in de dark,
An' makin' polka dots aroun' de baseball park,
People are quiet den dere's a riot!
Someone t'rows a punch
An' plants it right smack on de mark...
Someone’s hurt, you kinda think it's you.
You hang across de ropes
Da's all you want to do.
Den you look aroun' an' see your trainer's eyes,
Beggin' you to see it through,
Dey say, "Remember, big Boy, remember

Stan' up an' fight until you hear de bell,
Stan' toe to toe, trade blow fer blow,
Keep punchin' till you make yer punches tell,
Show dat crowd watcher know!
Until you hear dat bell, dat final bell,
Stan, up an' fight like hell!"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Excursion in Dublin

So I went to Dublin, this Saturday, leaving the west for a tour in the big city... drop my car at the infamous red cow roundabout and took the luas for the town ( the best way to spend a day in Dublin, and not being bothered by your car).
As soon as i went through Temple Bar a strange feeling took control...
Yep french-attitude, the street were full of french tourist, students, I probably headed to the wrong part of the city between the Temple Bar Food Market to pay my homage to sir rory
IMG_0619_reduced and the Irish film Institute who is organizing this month a French Film Festival.
Did not have time to go to Howth as planned (next time).

As a result, during the all afternoon, I heard principally french followed by Italian and finally some english.

But where there the Irish ?
Actually they were all in the pubs, in great expectation of the: Ireland vs New-Zealand rugby game in Croke Park.
It did not turn out to be a success, as Ireland failed to beat the All-Blacks, again in 22 games, Ireland only manage to get one draw and 21 defeats.
All hopes are now on the shoulder of might Munster.


Lego Smurf castle ??   Eva.... massive build Swimming in bricks ?