Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 - A summary, top ten things....

A summary of the 2009 year in picture.

And to get in line with the annual top ten from Time, here's my personal top ten for 2009.

  • Movie: Pixar Up
    The 10 first minutes are absolutely fantastic in term of story telling. And I got my quote of the year: "I hid under your porch, because I love you"....

  • Galway Volvo Ocean Race
    In June, the Volvo Ocean Race visited Galway, fantastic atmosphere in town.

  • Halloween in Mickey Martin
    One of the best party of the year.

  • Irish seals
    2009, will be the year where I saw most seals, the first one were down in Cork in Union Hall basking in early march/april
    Then we saw one or 2 venturing regularly near Kilkee.
    Who's there ?

  • 90 years ago, my granddad was born, just had to celebrate his birthday.

  • Concert: Mick Flannery in Dolans
    Mick Flannery

  • Snorkel with Dolphin in Milton Malbay
    On of the most amazing encounter in the sea, as i was training for duck diving in Miltown Malbay, a curious dolphin came to see what i was doing...

  • PS3 Game: Assassins Creed 2
    Finished it but still addicted to that game by now... have to wait for the third installment, now.

  • Obama election / French politics
    Big hope from the USA with Obama election, and at the same time in France... the left wing are left arguing between themselves in front of a media omnipresent president.

  • ASM 10th final... lost again....
    No comment. Congratulations to Perpignan.

Top ten Movies seen in 2009
1. Inglorious Bastard - Q.Tarantino
2. Up - Pete Docter / Pixar
3. Moon - Duncan Jones
4. (500) days of summer - Marc Webb
5. District 9 - Neill Blomkamp
6. The Wrestler - D.Arronofsky
7. Vicky Cristina Barcelona - Woody Allen
8. Fantastic Mr Fox - Wes Anderson
9. Where the wild things are - Spike Jonze
10. The Ugly Truth - Robert Luketic

Additinal interesting movies:
Bolt - B.Howard/C.Williams/Disney
The Men who Stare at goats - ??
A Serious Man - Cohen
Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman
The imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - Terry Gilliam

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reeling the years (2009)

Following the post from last year, let's make that a yearly tradition.

The idea is very simple and based on a simple question: Where was i 5 years ago, 10, 15 ...etc ?
So let's go back in time by 5 years leap...

Location: Grenoble, France

My last year, in Grenoble, a very strange year indeed, between "successful" promotion at work ( project and people management ), both great and tumultuous friendship moments... anyway that's the year I've decided i had to leave my job in Grenoble, and go abroad to see if things are different; at the time I had no idea of the country I would end up.

Location: Clermont-Ferrand, France
In Auvergne, studying physics in Blaise Pascal University. Spending lots of time hanging out in cinemas and most notably in the Short movie festival.

Location: Hauterive, France / Lycee Presles, Cusset
Failing the Baccalauréat

Location: Hauterive, France / College Victor Hugo, Saint Yorre
I was not in Berlin for the wall fall.

Location: Hauterive, France / Ecole primaire
France is winning the UEFA Euro_1984, and guess what everybody playing soccer, in the recreational area.
My parents now owns the local shop in the village.

I am no longer the only kid in the house, as my brother just born in March, we're still living in my grand father house in Hauterive, Allier, France.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Xmas ... playmol time


Les Arts Deco proposent actuellement une exposition sur Playmobil il etait une fois playmobil/

Je vous recommande de jeter un oeil sur les vieilles pubs Playmo....

Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween Dive 09

Underwater Kilkee - 1 from Christophe G on Vimeo.

Before Saturday night part, i went to Kilkee do a bit of diving with Tomas, a small one from the pier, mainly so he can test his new dry suit.
Interesting, and i've been able to play around with the video setting on my camera :)

Songs of the Week:
- Octopus Garden (The Beatles), I am rediscovering the Beatles, and on that one had to agree with Summer, this is one of their best song.
- Heartbeats - The Knife
- You can go your own way - Fleetwood Mac
- Seeing Things - Zero7


Lego Smurf castle ??   Eva.... massive build Swimming in bricks ?